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Marketing For Architects / Marketing Blog

Tips & Hints For Architects

Marketing for Architects

This Marketing Blog will cover important topics regarding architecture firms’ promotion, tips, and hints for architects to skyrocket their marketing and create a steady flow of clients and new projects. In time, I will publish more coherent marketing strategies, plans, and guides for architecture firms, right here, on this site.

  • Products & Services in Architecture Marketing Mix
    The Product is the first of the 4 Ps of Marketing. The Price, the Place, and the Promotion are the 2nd, the 3rd, and 4th Ps. In a series of posts, we’ll discuss understanding how they fit the marketing for architects and architecture firms. The “Four Marketing Ps” are tools to outperform competitors. The products and services are the most…
  • Keywords Research for Architects’ Marketing
    Keywords research is the spline of marketing for architects and architecture firms, especially of content marketing and search engine marketing (SEM). Both architecture and construction industries have their professional jargon. But most of our potential clients are not familiar with it. So, most of their searches are based on keywords that we are don’t use. There are two relevant examples:…
  • Why Is Marketing Important for Architects?
    To answer why marketing is important for architects, we have to understand that all transactions are, basically, acts of marketing. Marketing for architects makes no exception. All commercial transactions happen when buyers and sellers which is ultimately an act of marketing. If a person goes to the market with a product, two components of the 4 Ps of marketing meet:…
  • Sales Funnel
    A sales funnel is a marketing visualization of the process where customers become aware, consider, convert, then enter a loyalty phase. Sales Funnel’s Phases The sales funnel is the seller’s perspective of the acquisition and includes four stages: These four phases roughly correspond to the four of the clients’ buying process: awareness appears during the buyer’s research, consideration during the evaluation…
  • Clients Buying Process
    Clients Buying Process Definition Definition: Clients’ Buying Process includes the recognition of needs and wants, information (re)search, evaluation of alternatives, purchasing, and post-purchasing evaluation. From a psychological point of view, all purchases start with the recognition of needs and wants. The second step is the search for information. After an evaluation phase, the purchase is happening. Finally, buyers evaluate their…
  • How Architects Benefit by Educating the Market
    Educating the market is educating potential clients. It is a goal and a result of content marketing for architects. Thus, it is important because it fosters collaboration between architects and clients and creates benefits for architects and architecture firms. Educating the Market Fosters Collaboration Between Architects and Clients Educating the market facilitates better communication and collaboration between architects and clients.…
  • KPIs – Key Performance Indicators
    Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in marketing are specific, measurable metrics used to evaluate the success of marketing strategies, campaigns, and initiatives. KPIs provide insights into the performance of various marketing activities, helping your architecture firm track progress toward its goals, make data-driven decisions, and optimize your marketing efforts. Different KPIs are used to assess different aspects of marketing performance, such…
  • SMART Marketing Goals And Objectives For Architects
    What are SMART Marketing Goals and Objectives? Defining SMART marketing goals and objectives is essential for architects and architecture firms to create focused and measurable marketing strategies. SMART stands for: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound. Marketers use SMART strategies to create well-defined, measurable, and achievable goals that are aligned with overall business objectives. This approach promotes focus, accountability, and effective…
  • Market Segmentation for Architects and Architecture Firms
    Market segmentation for architects involves identifying specific groups within the broader market of potential clients with similar needs or preferences. By tailoring marketing efforts to these segments, architects can more effectively meet client needs and grow their architecture firms. Do you think it sounds complicated? Well, it’s not! It’s when you say: ”I want to design more office buildings!” This…
  • Market Targeting for Architects and Architecture Firms
    Market targeting is a critical component of the marketing strategy process. It involves identifying and selecting specific segments within a broader market that architects or architecture firms aim to serve. This decision follows market segmentation. In this visualization, not all potential clients in the orange segment are in the same phase of the project. Some of them didn’t decide to…
  • How Architects Can Benefit From Content Marketing
    Architects can benefit significantly from content marketing as it provides a powerful way to showcase their expertise, build their brand, and attract clients. Also, quality content attracts traffic to architects’ and architecture firms’ websites. Visitors are potential clients who are researching information for their future projects. Finding informative, relevant content to their searches helps them set realistic expectations for their…
  • Clients’ Pain Points
    What are the pain points? Pain points are a marketing concept, defining obstructions in a buying process, experienced by customers as problem, frustrations, or troublesome issues. Marketing’s role is to turn them into opportunities for architects and architecture firms in their client acquisition effort. Potential clients could give up, block, or delay their projects. Those pain points are “fight or…
  • How Architects Attract Clients
    Different architects attract different clients How architects attract clients depends on the market they are targeting, as of the type of marketing they do. Obviously, a young couple who want to build a house has almost nothing in common with a corporate staff. Also, a business owner who wants to build an office building has a different behaviour than an…
  • Link-Building Strategies
    What is link building? Link building is a crucial aspect of search engine optimization (SEO) that involves the process of acquiring hyperlinks from other websites to your own. These hyperlinks, often referred to as “backlinks” or simply “links,” play a significant role in determining the authority, relevance, and credibility of a website in the eyes of search engines. What is…
  • Turn Your Architecture Portfolio Into Helpful Content
    The architecture portfolio is the most important section of an architect’s or firm’s website. It showcases the results of our hard work and talent. Our websites’ visitors are not architects. They don’t see what’s obvious for us. They also can’t find the information they are looking for. We also have slightly different values. An award-winning project for us is a…
  • Are Architects Allowed to Market and Advertise Their Services?
    Are Architects Allowed to Market and Advertise Their Services? The short answer is yes, both for marketing and advertisement. But this question is raised based on a long history. There were times when architects and architecture practices were not allowed to either market or advertise their work. Marketing and advertising were forbidden for architects, but not anymore From 1909 to…
  • Inbound Versus Outbound Marketing for Architecture Firms
    Inbound marketing and outbound marketing are important concepts in marketing for architects and architecture firms. This post is rather technical. Nevertheless, understanding how these different approaches work is a key factor in creating and executing any plan to get more clients and new projects. Anyway, let’s compare these two, inbound and outbound marketing: Definitions of inbound and outbound marketing Inbound…
  • WordPress – the best Platform for architects’ websites
    WordPress is the best platform for architects’ websites and I’ll explain why. I have been building my websites by myself for almost 2 decades using this platform. 40% to 60% of all websites in the world operate on a WordPress platform. That’s impressive! Architects are still reluctant to build websites to attract new clients Architects’ websites aren’t always doing the…
  • Word-of-Mouth Vs Online Marketing For Architects’ Firms
    If you ask an architect how architects get clients, most likely, you get this answer: “Word-of-mouth: Create great architecture, and your satisfied clients recommend you for new projects!” This piece of advice is not that bad. After all, the quality of products and services is the strongest base for reputation, both on a personal and professional plane. Outstanding reputation precedes…
  • 10 SEO Tips For Architects
    For optimizing the online presence of architects, there are several SEO (Search Engine Optimization) tips that can help improve visibility and attract more relevant traffic to their websites. Search Engine Optimization should be consistent with your marketing strategy. SEO is important for diverse marketing strategies, as content marketing and SEM – Search Engine Marketing. The 10 SEO tips are 75, but…
  • How Advertising Works For Architects
    The advertising for architects had a poor reputation. The American Institute of Architects even condemned the architects who advertised themselves. Other organizations of architects also perceived it as not honorable. Although nobody actively blames it anymore, many architects still think that it is under the professional best standards. But as marketing becomes frequent for architects and architecture firms, more and…
  • Best Marketing Strategies For Architects
    What are the best-suited marketing strategies for architects? Is there a single best way to promote your services and get more clients? If yes, what is it? If not, are there more of them? First, there is no single marketing strategy, but many. Although they all work to some extent, their effectiveness can vary. In Marketing Strategy for Architects, I…
  • Project-Based Marketing for Architecture Firms
    The project-based marketing for architecture firms is a marketing strategy to target potential customers in specific decision phases of their investment cycles. It is an effective approach to attract new clients. It sounds complicated, but it’s rather simple and logical. This is what it’s called inbound marketing. It consists of creating quality content that is helpful and informative. Potential clients,…
  • Building Customers’ Trust
    Why is building customers’ trust a cornerstone component of marketing for architects? First of all, it’s self-evident that we like to buy from trusted sources. We want to make good choices. Psychologists say we make all of our decisions emotionally. The research we do it’s a rational effort to justify the emotional choice. But I think that when we research,…
  • One Great Example Of 100 Years Old Marketing For Architects
    I would like to show you a secret gem. An excellent example of not one, but two pieces of 100 years old marketing for architects. If anybody asked for proof that content marketing works, these two are. Writing and printing great content to help your prospective clients is not a recent invention. Starting to build I was a little…
  • How Do I Market My Architecture Firm?
    How I market my architecture firm is a question that I have been asking myself since I was in architecture school. But I think I am not the only one. Almost all architects still try to answer this one. This is why I created The most effective strategy to market an architecture firm is helping your clients through content…
  • Is Email Marketing For Architects A Total Waste Of Time?
    An architect can find many websites teaching and promoting different email marketing plans, techniques, and strategies. They all suggest that architecture firms should consistently use email marketing. Email marketing for architects is a marketing strategy that has only a limited chance of success due to the specific nature of our clients. Although, in some cases, it can bring new leads,…
  • The 4 Ps Of Marketing For Architects
    How can anybody adopt and implement the 4 Ps of marketing for architects? How can architects attract clients? What have in common the textbook marketing and architecture? The Marketing Mix / The 4 Ps Product, Price, Placement, and Promotion – these four are the marketing mix, the 4 Ps. The marketing mix is a simplifying concept that reduces the marketer…
  • Who Are The Clients You’d Like To Have
    Every architect has some favorite clients. They are clever, receptive to suggestions, and keenly want to build what you design exactly. Most of them share many of your views. They usually tell what their needs are, making it easy to fulfill with your architectural skills. It is the first lever (Product/Service) of the marketing mix. With other clients, everything is…
  • Old-School Marketing for Architects
    I try to compare „classical” marketing techniques with new ones in this post. Basically, it is a dip into the way architects were finding clients. It is an outbound effort, to build personal relationships with relevant persons. Finding clients is totally different to attracting clients. On a LinkedIn group, while a bunch of architects discussed marketing, a colleague told us…
  • 7 Mistakes Architects Make Promoting Themselves
    It’s hard to believe the marketing mistakes that architects make promoting themselves! Our ideas of marketing are at least strange. However, our brains are programmed this way. They center the education we get in school on the approval of all other architects. Sadly, this profoundly impacts our marketing, the messages we send, and the results we get. Let’s look at…
  • How Architects’ Websites Should Attract New Clients
    More and more architects have websites. Nevertheless, they fail to attract clients online. Why? They don’t transmit a good and coherent message to visitors. Hence they get no relevant traffic that converts into important customers. The visitors to our websites fall into one of the three categories: 1. Other Architects Other architects either study their competition or they just want…

I will write more on other important topics, like websites for architects, SEO for architects, and social media. Successful marketing should increase the number of qualified prospective clients to enrich your portfolio.

The marketing I promote is content marketing. This approach works, although it takes time. Time to get your content indexed, time to get proper rankings on Google Search. We will also discuss how you can speed up this process, not with black hat SEO, but by spending a few bucks on sponsored ads.

But the main idea is to shift the mentality, to think like a marketer. The beauty is that we, the architects, have what’s needed for this. Our job is to solve people’s problems through architectural design. Good marketing is all about helping people. Good architecture is also about helping people to thrive.

If you have questions about how architects and architecture firms could market themselves, please ask! I will gladly answer either in the Marketing for Architects Blog or by email.

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