Market targeting is a critical component of the marketing strategy process. It involves identifying and selecting specific segments within a broader market that architects or architecture firms aim to serve. This decision follows market segmentation.

In this visualization, not all potential clients in the orange segment are in the same phase of the project. Some of them didn’t decide to build or lease.
Market Targeting at Various Clients’ Buying Stages

Others are searching for information on their perceived problems, such as costs, land acquisition, understanding zoning codes, etc. They are not looking for an architect yet.

Finally, some of them got the answers they were looking for. Their projects are feasible. They prospect the market for an architect.

Most architects are fighting for those clients. They are unaware of the rest. Considering that all of them are going to step into the tip of the segment, in the center, all of them are potential clients.
But architects usually ignore most of them until they are in their last buying stage. Or should I say until it’s too late?
This is the difference between market targeting and market segmentations. In all market segments, potential clients are in different buying stages. But they all go through the same stages.
So, once you defined your market segment, it’s time to focus on targeting all clients in this niche. Only content marketing can help you to target them during the whole buying stages.
You can’t effectively advertise to clients while they still decide to build, lease, or buy. Should a family buy, rent, or build a house? What would be a better move for a company, to lease new office spaces, or build their headquarters?
But you can create content they need to make their decisions. You don’t have to influence them, just genuinely help them make the best decision. Be honest!
Market Targeting Architecture Clients During Building Investment Process
Our potential clients decided to build. Some of them got your helpful content, and some did not. Now they have a lot of questions regarding their building investment.
They need technical information on land acquisition, zoning regulations, building codes, estimating volumes and costs, contracting a builder, quality and cost control, etc. Again, using content marketing, architects and architecture firms can attract potential clients in this buying stage.
This approach is no different from the client’s buying stages but is more focused on the second stage. Also, it’s more applied to our business, architecture.
Remember, they are not looking for an architect yet! They are just doing their research, looking for information on their projects. Although some know they would need an architect, they are preparing themselves for this moment. They try to make a lot of decisions. They could use an architect to help them.
Creating valuable content for them is the best and the easiest method to get their projects! They reward architects who help them with their trust.
Building the Marketing Plan
Adopting the strategy to target clients from a market segment using their journeys as buyers and developers is the next logical step. Although developers are businesspersons, all our clients are, to some extent, developers.
From now on, it’s time to conduct keyword research to create search-engine-optimized (SEO) content to help them move toward their goal of building. The scope of this phase is to answer their exact questions, getting organic traffic to your architecture websites.
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